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The Pennsylvania State University, Center Stage Theatre - State College, PA 2020-2022


Worked on two productions. Attended all production meetings, lead the assistant technical director on what they should accomplish. Draft, budget and create labor hour schedule. Communicate with all departments. Created the line-set schedule. Lead load-in, attended tech to assure that the process is progressing correctly and if not fix it.


Worked on one production. Collaborate with the Technical Director to budget and draft the show. Created draftings in AutoCAD. Prepare the tools and the set for load-in. Attend load-in, help assist the team of carpenters and riggers to complete the job safely. Train the crew members at tech for backstage and on the fly rail. Create a strike plan for after the closing of the show. Lead strike and clean up on stage and in the scene shop.


Worked on four productions. Responsible for scenic fabrication including woodworking, metalworking (basic welding) and rigging. Clean and organize the scene shop.

Point Park University Conservatory of Performing Arts - Pittsburgh, PA   2018-2020


Worked on three productions. Collaborated with the Scene Shop Foreman to create build schedules, cut lists, and managing materials. Interpret technical draftings. Lead carpenters to complete construction, installation, and strike of the set. 


Worked on four productions. Responsible for scenic fabrication including woodworking, metalworking (basic welding) and rigging. Clean and organize the scene shop.


  - Operate the CNC ShopBot    - Operate the fly house    - Valid Driver’s License 
    Computer Software: Microsoft Office, AutoCAD 2019, Vectorworks 2020 and VCarve
    Leadership: Hard-working, Effective Manager of time and people, Communicator, and Collaborator
    Organizational Skills: able to plan effectively, delegate assignments and meet deadlines, goal setting and multitasking. 


The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Design and Technology | Emphasis in Technical Direction 
Smeal College of Business | Business Fundamentals Certificate
Transferred into: August 2020
Graduation May 2022

Point Park University, Pittsburgh, PA
Bachelor of Fine Arts Theatre Production: Technical Design and Management
Attended: August 2018 – April 2020 

To maintain privacy references are avaliable upon request. Thank you.

Click this PDF button to download a copy of my resume.


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